One story of my way home.

It was a dark night in September when I was walking home, without hurry, confident and chill, near home, over seven street between 48 and 47, I saw a couple of guys, they looked like thugs, but I´m in Colombia, that wasn't a surprise, in fact, I'm used to be surrounded of every kind of people, from every place of the world. 

At that moment, I saw them; I just decided to avoid them, the easiest solution, isn't it? However, in a glance, one of the thugs punched in my face, it was not hard, but enough, at the same moment I punched him back, and both were clutching the others shirt. I had prepared my fist, and was ready to hit him as strong as my body could, but in a blink, he took out a knife. I didn't move a muscle, I wasn't afraid, indeed, I was more upset that before, I just wanted to throw his teeth off, but the voice of my beloved whispered in my head, I've already promised that I wouldn't fight unless it were necessary.

Therefore, I kept my promise, and I already do, but in that moment was enough for letting them grab my belongings. I just gave them my cellphone, a Huawei P20, recently bought. The knife-handed thug kept yelling at me, but at each second that passed, I just got more and more angry. They walked backward, and realized that I had thrown my backpack, thus, tried to pick it up, but I yelled at them and said "Are you going to take it too, sons of a b***?”. As though I had touched a sensible backbone, the knife-armed thug warned me and called me names, but the other one told him that let me keep my bag. And so he did. 

I picked my bag up, wore it and just stood. I stood staring at them. One of them started to scream, something like "run motherfu**", but I didn't do anything, I just kept staring at them, upset, full of range, I didn't have anything with me, no baton, no knives, even no gloves. However, I was holding myself, getting more and more furious, but unknowing what to use for taking revenge. 

Finally, the other thug said: "let's go of here", and ran away, and I just wandered away, looking for a cop who could hear my story, but there were nothing, though. For that reason, I decided to leave my belongings at home and go to some police station. 
The answer that I received was stunning and shocking, "you have to come aging tomorrow at 9 AM, and we don't attend after five PM". I just turned around, stomped, and walked home. 

Now, that I'm able to look back and reflect on, I believe I did the correct call since I've already had a new phone, my beloved is beside me, and I had done a wrong move, I wouldn't have been able to share with my family and love ones. 


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